Monday, October 20, 2008

Heated txting conversations.

Im posting this blog due to the absent mindness of people. it is very hard to tell how a persons tone is in an chat over the internet or through txting. people are so caught up in the fact that everything has such a negetive conotation with everything someone says they never look at the raw message thats laid out infront of them. IF YOU ARE TYPING TO SOMEONE OR TEXTING TO SOMEONE. PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE. If you have something to say, MAKE IT IMPORTANT. STOP TAKING EVERYTHING AS IN THIS PERSON IS TRYING TO HURT MY FEELINGS OR THEY ARE BEING REALLY RUDE. BECAUSE YOU CAN NOT TELL WHAT KIND OF TONE THEY HAVE THROUGH A LINE OF TEXT ITS NOT POSSIBLE.

...done with that ....

I <3 Pancakes.

Research topics

From what i have seen in the past, things that interest a writer are what they seem to write easily on. I myself am very into the gaming expierence of World of Warcraft.(It never gets old to me and i consider myself to have somewhat of an addiction) , but that being said, knowing what i do makes researching the topic of the effects of this game even more interesting. There have been many documentations on this game being very negative toward the game proclaiming that it makes students grades bad(which i can conclude is true) and also that it basicly runs your entire life(which i can conclude is also true. Im not quite honestly sure if i can use people on the game itself to interview because they seem the most choices for me to ask about the lives of the people that play this very addicting game. Im planing to find more information on what this game acctually does for a person or on the other hand what other negitive effects the game has on peoples lives. I basicly believe it comes back to addiction and losing track of time myself but im not the third party in this research, im one of the main points of interest.