Monday, September 29, 2008

The Internet Age of Misleading Information

Though the Internet has its many accurate sources it has many more inaccurate sources. Libraries are much better for finding information that is considered relevant because that is apart of the publishing process. You will not find a non-fiction book on why the grass is blue and the sky is green because it just wouldnt make any sense, but through the power of the Internet im sure somewhere within the billions of web pages you will find someone somewhere that has written about the sky being green and the grass being blue. But when information is not plainly evident many things on the internet are not accurate to any degree. Consider this... you are writting a paper on some person you do not know about we will call him BoB. On one internet page it says BoB has 5 children, on another it says he has 3. Which one would you believe? When using the internet to find information it is better to look at more than 5 resources on the topic on which you are searching to insure yourself that what you see on the computer screen is correct. The internet is very miss leading because anyone can write anything, it doesnt matter if it is correct or accurate.

1 comment:

Ms. Brown said...

I suppose then you have to decide which is "easier": confirming five resources the comfort of the computer chair or braving the library to consult one credible source? I think our ideas about research are starting to change, but you certainly bring up important obstacles the internet presents...